Boomer Micro-Generations
Instructor: Armida Ascano
Download the Corporate Social Responsibility Trend Report
Now that you are familiar with the methodology introduced in Module 1: Intro to Micro-Generations, it's time to meet the first set of Micro-Generations, which fall within what's traditionally referred to as the Boomer generation. We begin by acknowledging existing well-known Boomer trends, and their current state as the largest retiring-age demographic in North American history.But what key differences are discovered when this group, originally spanning a 16-year age range, is split into two? How will it impact Boomer trends of the future? This module explores how the meaning of these shared experiences shifts when a few years of age difference are taken into account, creating groups that focus on social good, the redefinition of age, and extended careers to varying degrees.
Workshop Questions:
1. How can you help the Leading Boomer maintain a sense of adventure?
2. How can you help the Neo Boomer rebel against Boomer stereotypes?