Intro to Consumer Behavior & Trend Tensions
Instructor: Shelby Walsh
Download the Unpacking Consumer Behavior Trend Report
There are always dominant trends when it comes to changing consumer behaviors. However, we often see divergent trends emerging not too far behind. More often than not, opposing trends exist because of one another. Connected living is a massive trend, but digital distrust is also on the rise. We want to be eco-conscious, but we also don’t want to give up the conveniences disposable culture grants us. We champion authenticity, but then post highly edited versions of our life online.At Trend Hunter, we have the privilege of speaking to some of the brightest minds globally in innovation and found that many have relied on divergence to help better identify whitespace opportunities. At Coke, they call this idea of divergent trends “trend tensions” – macro forces of change which could be geopolitical, opposing beliefs, technological changes or opposing consumer behaviors. This idea inspired this module today which will explore the tensions behind social circles, personal brand, and minds of consumers today.